Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Just finished this little bird thing that has been calling my name. It fell off the closet shelf a couple of times in it's original state of navy blue, orange, yellow and red. It had drawers in it which had to go bye bye. This mother bird is resting up after laying 2 eggs that were big enough to do her in real good. Actually, she's thinking about a sitz bath. On the sides, there's a copy of a child's story about a robin. The photography is lousy....should have taken the picture in the morning light.


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness Pat this is wonderful!! You've got all those lovely blues going again... Is it possible to see photos of the sides and back?
After popping out THOSE eggs I'd think some stitches might be in order!!
beautiful, beautiful!

Dianne Adams said...

This is so original! I love it. What do you plan to do with the drawers?

Danielle said...

I really really like what you did with this piece. Very inspiring!