Went garage sale-ing today and found a few items. One is a dictionary that is 4" thick and weighs about 10 pounds! It's going to become an altered book for my grandson's college graduation. I needed a huge book because his mom has given me so many goodies that I'll have to make a few niches to get them all in. Glad he's a big strong guy so he can lift it...LOL
Also, today I picked up two very old lovely frames with what looked like cabinet cards. When I got home, I took them apart and found two other folks inside the frames....so now I have a husband and wife plus their child and the stern mother-in-law. I'm just guessing about MIL, but I know the couple was married. The 70ish lady who sold them to me said she remembered them in her grandmother's house and thinks they were her grandmother's great-grandparents....I'm thinking mid 1850's by the dress. Anyway, you are free to take them and do with them whatever you want. Another successful garage sale day!
Great garage sale finds, Pat! I hope you share your altered dictionary progress on your blog. I'm sure it will be beautiful. I love the vintage photographs as well---what a great find!
Hey Pat,
These photos are wonderful! I have an addiction to old cabinet cards, tintypes and dags...so thank you for sharing them and I can't wait to use them in some art work :-)
Your dictionary altered book sounds intriguing! I would love to see it when you are done...you are the Altered Book Queen!
Glad you had fun garage saling, you got some great finds! A great way to beat the heat, just ignore it and shop :-)
Have a GREAT day!
What a great garage sale day you had! I miss having good ones to go to.
Pat these are some nice goodies! Hope you will share photos of the book as it progresses along...
Love having you for a friend :)
Whoa! These are so cool!!
btw--go check out my blog. There's something there you'll want to read. :)
I don't know who they are but that MIL looks pretty tough. She would be good for some very fun ATC's. Thanks for sharing your finds! Hope you will be posting pics of the graduation book. This sounds fantastic.
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